Document viewing available for a fee. Search Angelina County genealogy records such as birth records, cemeteries, census records, death records, marriage records, obituaries, and more. Search Tom Green County recorded documents including deeds, mortgages, liens, and judgments. View City of Houston information about birth and death certificates. Search Willacy County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth and death records, marriage records, obituaries, and more. Birth records are restricted for 75 years.
2023 County Office. Search Wharton County recorded documents including deeds, deeds of trust, liens, probates, divorces, judgments, property and land records through paid subscription. [2][5][4] The design was considered quite modern at the time of its construction and represented the architectural elements that were favored in the early 1900s for hospital design. The image is an illustration, depicting a large pale-colored stone building. Search Upton County recorded documents index including deeds, mortgages and judgments with free search. Search Collin County recorded documents including deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, and marriage records. Document viewing is available for a fee. luke huard texas a&m salary; simchart 84 post case quiz View information about obtaining Hays County birth and death certificates. Document viewing available through paid subscription. On Dec. 7, 1960, the Houston Chronicle noted that the hospital's outpatient clinic had seen a record 1,335 patients one day in November. [12], The two floor nurse's quarters, built in the mid-1920s, were designed by W.A. Track order status. Document viewing is available through paid subscription. Document viewing available through paid subscription. . Search Kerr County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, marriage records by name and business licenses by assumed name. Search Kenedy County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. Document viewing available for a fee. Search Stephens County recorded land records with free registration. Search Liberty County recorded documents including deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, and UCC's with free registration. Search Clay County recorded documents including land records, probates, divorces, and judgments through a paid subscription. Copies available through paid subscription. Search El Paso County genealogy records such as births, census records, cemeteries, deaths, obituaries, and more. Search Scurry County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth and death records, wills, obituaries, and more. Certified copies can be purchased. [6] The overall footprint of the interior space was to be preserved and a historically accurate restoration helped to restore the plaster walls, the interior window frames that were designed with curved-corners, and the modillion blocks at the buildings eaves. [6] Terrazo flooring was featured in the original construction and was included in later restorative efforts. Some states may also have paternity registries and affidavits of parentage for children born to single parents. A valid library card is required to access these resources. Search San Patricio County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, obituaries, and more. Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Document viewing available through paid subscription. Document viewing available for a fee. View City of Pharr information about obtaining birth and death records. . Bearings based on Search Erath County genealogy records such as cemeteries, obituaries, birth and death records, and more. View El Paso County information about obtaining birth records. Search Fisher County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth, death, and marriage records, and more. California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. Search McMullen County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. Search Runnels County recorded documents including deeds, deeds of trust, probates, divorces, judgments, property and land records through paid subscription. Jefferson Davis, Miss Atkinson Basement of Jefferson Davis Hospital, circa 1940, Paul Lensky, Jim Fish, Larry Carlton, John Fish. Records of births, deaths, . Images for specific types of records may be purchased on a document by document basis. Search Jim Hogg County recorded land records with free registration. Search Harrison County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth records, obituaries, and more. [6] The front faade features several square rock stone walls that are believed to have been either gravestones salvaged from the original cemetery or flower beds, although neither use has been confirmed. Search Washington County birth records by name or date of birth. Search Goliad County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth and death records, obituaries, and more. View City of Harlingen information about obtaining birth and death certificates. [6] When construction began in 1924, the basement of the building was placed above ground in the effort to dispel the public controversy and to leave the graves undisturbed. The facility was demolished in 1999. View Wichita County genealogy records including obituaries, biographies, cemetery burials, census records, local history, military records, land records, births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. [6] The second and third floors of the building featured two screened balconies to allow patients an opportunity to enjoy fresh-air without having to leave the hospital premises. An earlier hospital with the same name operated from 1924-1939 at 1101 Elder St. Document viewing is available with a paid subscription. Search Freestone County recorded documents index including deeds, liens, oil and gas leases, plat maps and mortgages with free registration. Houston Birth Records are documents relating to an individual's birth in Houston, Texas. Search Webb County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. Search Gregg County recorded document index including deeds, liens, etc. Document viewing available through paid subscription. Search Parmer County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth and death records, obituaries, and more. 1100 West 49th Street. Document viewing available for a fee. Search Wood County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth records, marriage records, obituaries, and more. View City of Bedford information about obtaining birth and death records. Search Runnels County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, obituaries, and more. Search Live Oak County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. [4], The location of the former hospital has gained notoriety as a stigmatized property due to public perception of its haunted origins. By the 1980s, Jefferson Davis Hospital was abandoned and left to . "Jefferson Davis Hospital and Nurses' Home, Houston, Texas" is written in the upper right corner, and "Nurses . Search Cooke County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth records, census records, marriages, obituaries, and more. Search Waller County recorded land document index with free registration. Search Val Verde County recorded documents index including deeds, mortgages and judgments with free search. Search Hays County recorded documents index, including deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, etc. Search Harris County Public Library genealogy records databases. [7], On January 1, 1938, the cities primary municipal medical services relocated to the area now known as the Texas Medical Center in what was to become Ben Taub General Hospital. Search Robertson County recorded documents index deeds, mortgages and judgments with free search. Denos su opinin sobre sus experiencias con las instalaciones, el personal, la comunicacin y los servicios del DSHS. The Houston Birth Records Search (Texas) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Houston public records. View information about requesting genealogy research and certified copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates from the Grayson County Clerk. Search Gillespie County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, date filed, or document type. Search Cherokee County recorded documents index including deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, etc. Search City of Abilene Public Library genealogy records databases such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. At Houston's Jeff Davis Hospital, where more than 10,000 babies are born every year, charity, idealism, and bureaucracy confront the ancient instincts of the flesh. Search Concho County recorded documents including deeds, deeds of trust, liens, probates, divorces, and judgments through a paid subscription. Search Montgomery County recorded documents including official public records, recorded plat maps, assumed names, UCC filings, military discharges, birth, death, and marriage records, foreclosure sales, legal notices, and brands. [17][4] Funding for the project was provided in part by the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Development and Avenue Community Development Corporation. [6][10] By the late 1930s, the rapid metropolitan growth of the Houston area rendered the building inadequate to support the healthcare needs of indigent population. Search Gainies County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. If you need a birth or death record filed in Jefferson County between 1903 and 1966, please complete the Application for Birth or Death Certificate form. Document viewing is available for a fee. View Milam County information about obtaining birth records. That . Document viewing available through paid subscription. Search Calhoun County recorded documents index including deeds, liens, oil and gas leases, plat maps and mortgages. Search Medina County recorded land document index with free registration. View information about obtaining Montgomery County birth and death certificates. [5] The Houston Press remarked on the state of the buildings decay in a 2001 article: Half the windows in the four-story building are boarded up. A valid library card is required in order to access these resources. [6] Use of the location as a cemetery by the city discontinued in 1879, although family burials continued into the 1890s. About Us Contact Us In the upper left corner there is a small picture of the nurses home, which is stylistically similar to the main hospital building. Search Coleman County recorded land records index. By Stephen Harrigan. View Potter County information about obtaining marriage licenses, and birth, death and marriage certificates. Search Karnes County genealogy records such as cemeteries, birth and death records, census records, obituaries, and more. [5] Also included among the graves were thousands of victims of the yellow fever and cholera epidemics. Search Glenwood Cemetery burial records by first name, last name and date of burial. Document viewing available for a fee. Houston Public Library Genealogy Records
In 1995, the site of the former Jefferson Davis Hospital was listed as a State Archaeological Landmark because of the lot's prior use as a major municipal cemetery. The 34 residential/studio units were originally intended for only artists' occupancy, but was later opened to the community-at-large. In January, the Texas Historical Commission's State Board of Review approved a nomination to include the nurses building in the old Jefferson Davis Hospital site. Search Mitchell County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, obituaries, and more. Search El Paso County recorded documents including land records, liens, judgments, notice of trustee sales, birth, death, and marriage records. The fastest, easiest way to get a birth certificate or verification is to order online at View Maverick County recorded land records index with free registration. Efforts towards rehabilitation began in 2003, resulting in what was to become a substantial $6.3 million renovation project. [8][17] The United States Environmental Protection Agency also granted $200,000 for environmental clean-up that included asbestos abatement, lead abatement, and the removal of an underground storage tank. Document viewing available through paid subscription. Harris County Hospital District (1965-) Content and structure elements Scope and content This series contains Baby Logbooks from Jefferson Davis Hospital dating from 1940 to 1969. Search Mason County genealogy records such as cemeteries, census records, death records, marriage records, obituaries, and more. Search City of Euless Public Library genealogy records databases such as cemeteries, census records, birth and death records, and more. Search Gillespie County birth, death, and marriage records by name including business licenses by assumed name, owner name, or certificate number.
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