Unlike Venus in Leo, they wont try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. What a person with Venus in Cancer would share with a partner who has Venus in Taurus or Virgo is an interest in the tried and true. When an emotional manipulator finds out what it feels like to be on the receiving end of their own approach, they might finally think about toning it down. Before we delve into Venus in Cancer compatibility I recommend that you pull out your natal chart, or you can use this free tool to generate it! They love nothing better than to surround themselves with beautiful things and home comforts to make them feel safe, secure and content. If a mans Venus is in Taurus, heis often attracted to women with hourglass figures, who come across as natural and calm, and rather feminine. They allow you freedom to be yourself, and are rarely clinging or controlling. But remember they do this because they fear they might hurt you, and they cant bear to cause you any heartache. Traditionally, astrologers have interpreted the position and condition of Venus in the natal chart differently depending on the gender of the native. Venus in Libra people tend to employ charm rather than aggressive behavior in order to get what they want. The Taurus (Venus) lover brings in the practical angle and a sense of whether it's reality-based. If you have Venus in Cancer, your best compatibility matches are partners who have Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo. However, the position of Venus by sign in a mans chart does tend to offer some clues as to what he will find attractive in a woman. Loves spontaneous expressions of affection and sexuality. People born under this sign are strongly influenced by water and have a fast 'flow' of feelings and sensitivity and rapid attachment to people. Instead, their appeal lies in their dedication, their willingness to work on the relationship, and to make the relationship work in real terms. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Him Report. The signs that have not been covered yet are Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Capricorn represents the harsh exterior of those structures, while Cancer represents the nurturing component that makes those structures tolerable. They focus on different sides of the tried and true. People get turned on by Venus in Aries aura of innocent charm, even when they are being childish and impatient. In men, Venus shows how he deals with his feminine side and can also indicate the type of women he seeks in a relationship. Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms. They are likely to stay in a relationship, even one that is unfulfilling, for a long time because they dont want to go through a breakup. They may be reacting to a condition or situation of the moment, for example. Indulge them their many whims, and understand that they thrive on competition, even when theyre competing with you! I stick around. TheVenus-Librais heady, breathless and floats on air in love. They are indulgent, especially with their favorite foods, but also with physical pleasure. I love the sound of rain playing in the background, or the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the sand. When they feel the need for more experience, join them! These lovers are playful some might even call them a tease. My Personal Ad Bio: Im warm-hearted and fun. If a mans Venus is in Leo, he may be attracted to women who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. While the Gemini Sun might preach a love of absolute freedom in public, what Venus in Cancer actually privately values is security. Be direct, open, and honest with them they wont much like game-playing or evasiveness, unless it is in the complete spirit of fun. Venus in Scorpio (Most Compatible) The man born under the Venus in Taurus craves for love and passion. For this reason, few Venus in Leo folk would last long in a relationship that is mostly sexual. They are often looking for long-term commitment that includes giving and receiving emotional nurturing. They want to be seen as attractive by you, so avoid (at all costs!) They are sociable, communicative, and interested. The Taurus lover soothes the jumpy nerves of the Virgo lover. A Venus in Cancer person is loyal but easily crosses the line into being clingy and needy. Gemini They can be a confusing mix of the lighthearted and serious. I have joie de vivre and I love to laugh. Living up to others expectations can also be a problem for some, and can prevent them from truly appreciating the moment. Those lines of work are therefore full of earth and water sign people of all genders. Taurus and Virgo are the earth signs closest to water sign Cancer. Venus in Capricorn men and women project an aura of competency and their loner-like behavior can be attractive, in a cool way. Venus in Virgo people express their love through practical means and gesturesrunning errands, doing detail work, or just being there for their lovers. Im looking for a friend in a lover. This can include the domestic stay-at-home parent, but it can also include the sort of person who looks for a job that is stable and guaranteed. Your ability to see "more" of the world also draws you towards the spiritual. When in Cancer, Venus becomes more emotional and sentimental. However, while it may hold true with Venus to some extent today, we prefer not to attach gender bias to Venus and Mars. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up their own power to others is strong. If a mans Venus is in Sagittarius, an energetic, happy aura in a woman is often most appealing. Sometimes I use it when I go to bed, or even in my office with my Asakuki Diffuser giving off the gentle scent of lavender in the air. They need space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be yourself. Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partners Venus in Taurus or Virgo, Second Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partners Venus in water signs, Third Best Match: Venus in Cancer with partners Venus in other Cardinal signs, Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE, Do Cancer Men Come Back? Vekke Sind, [] Who is Venus in Cancer Compatible with? They want you to see them as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. On the flip side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are unlikely to feel very satisfied. A curious match-up, with order and chaos under one roof. Pleasing Venus in Libra involves treating them kindly and fairly. They take pride in love and their love relationships, and they are typically generous with their money. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they dont want you to know it. Too much attachment to the past can prevent Venus in Cancer people from enjoying the moment. Of these, Gemini and Aquarius are air signs, and Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs. They pride themselves on their open minds, but you may notice they can be judgmental too. Even those with their Sun in Taurus or Cancer, whose outward demeanor may suggest some reserve and caution, will want their relationships to be stimulating and full of conversation with Venus in Gemini. Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. A Venus in Cancer person is not a good partner for someone who needs a lot of independence or for someone who considers sexual fulfillment the most important part of a relationship. Some, however, use it in the service of others, hearing them out and trying to make them feel better. [], Who Is Venus in Sagittarius Compatible With? They aim to please, and are easily intimidated by your experiences. Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. They abhor gawdy, cheap, tacky, or excessively loud/bold art, clothing, and possessions. Venus in Taurus is particularly romantic, as Taurus is one of the signs that Venus rules. If they dont know how to channel all that energy in a healthy way, however, they can become emotionally manipulative and terrorize the people around them with their mood swings. Venus in Libra men and women have idealized images of their relationships, even to the point where the relationship becomes bigger than life, taking on a life of its own. It is a passionate, sensual, and intense energy. Venus in Virgo has a more parsimonious reputation, but Venus in Cancer would feel cared for by Venus in Virgo's attention to detail. If you dont know the sign position of Venus, look it up in these tables. Theyre not afraid of being underhanded in matters of the heart, and they are experts at cutting through all the fluff and seeing you for what you are. They love to share everything with you, so let them. You are a natural communicator, but your real talent is helping others to express themselves. Everything is foreplay, and physical closeness is a love glue here. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Gemini and Leo are the signs on either side of Cancer. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can and will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to themselves. Maybe because she has many ways and makes. Do your best to make them feel secure and cared for, and you will be rewarded with a patient, dependable, and loving mate. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Venus in Aquarius wants you to love them for their intellect, and to admire their visions. They dont go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they dont express as much. While Venus offers clues as to what type of women and situations attract a man on a romantic level, the Moon reveals what qualities makes a man feel comfortable and warm. What Zodiac Sign is the Weakest? They are rather discriminating in taste when it comes to entertainment, art, furnishings, music, and clothing. Others image of their relationship matters to them. These women are very feminine, charming, sweet, with tender emotions at the ready for those in need. Women with Venus in Taurus often make great singers. Pleasing Venus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your complete commitment and loyalty to them. See our Venus Signs Tables to look up the position of Venus by sign for a particular birthday. Let them know just how much fun you have with them. Learn what Venus, the planet of luck, vision, expansion, and plenty, means in each sign of the zodiac. there can be problems with seeing a lover or a relationship accurately and with resentments for being put upon or used. Appreciate their guts when it comes to love and intimacy theyre proud of their courage in these matters. If Your Moon or Venus are in Cancer - You're attracted to a woman who will comfort, care for you, and take care of . Im unique. They are gentle lovers who hate to be offended. The Venus in Pisces man is a highly emotional individual, sensitive, and affectionate with his partner. Im self-taught and self-sufficient.. Who is Venus in Aquarius compatible with. Water and earth signs tend to be interested in security and in maintaining the structure that exists. Emotional types may be put off by their detached manner in love. Since Cancer is a water sign, people whose Venus is also a water sign (like Pisces, Scorpio, or another Cancer) can perfectly understand a Venus in Cancer man's needs and desires. They are affectionate and cuddly, and are at their best when they feel safe and secure. Craft, artistry, a lover with know-how and a growing body of work. Although they usually enjoy flirting, they may remain somewhat aloof when it comes to matters of the heart. She values keeping a comfortable and cozy home, not just in terms of the physical space, but also in the relationships between people. As noted previously, Venus can be no more than two signs apart from the Sun. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. They are tender, romantic, and attached. They are easygoing in this manner because a partner can appeal to their sense of reason, and they always strive to be exceptionally fair and impartial. Venus in Aquarius people are attracted to unconventionality, independence, and freedom as themes in their social relationships. ", Venus in Taurus and Venus SignsLove Matches, Venus in Taurus With Venus in Sagittarius, Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries, Venus Leo Compatibility With Other Venus Signs. Similarly, the fire or air sign worker in the healthcare industry might gravitate toward experimental therapies. They abhor gawdy, tacky, or overly noisy art, clothing, furnishings, and music. They will have a natural sense of rhythm and will make great dancers. Venus in Pisces people are attracted to situations of giving, martyrdom, and mercy. Remind them, in a gentle way, that your emotions count too. You may need to give in to them in love matters, because they wont readily give in to you! When challenged in an argument, Venus in Cancer people tend to resort to their capacity for emotional manipulation. Or will the Gemini lover find it hard to settle down, and be still? Aries likes to take the lead in love (even if their Sun Sign is gentle Pisces) let them, at least most of the time. They are attractive when they are acting a little aloof. Some may want to be financially stable before marrying, as this is an expression of their commitment. This is when they use their extraordinary nursing abilities on themselves, instead of youand you simply dont want that! Healthy, natural, and clean are most appealing physical qualities, and a certain amount of intelligence as well as a modest, sensible approach to life. Venus in Aries can be impulsive and abrasive, which would trigger Venus in Cancers sensitivity easily. They have it to everyone in their circle of care, which can be quite large: their family, their friends, their religion, their political party, their nation, and more. In aquarius wants you at a small condo, aquarius venus, taurus and need excitement. Determine the positions of Venus and Mars by sign and learn the sexual secrets of your partner, and yourself! In fact, they tend to want to be consumed by them! . That means people who have Venus in Cancer can have the Sun in only the following signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, or Virgo. They dont want to follow all the rules, although they may make quite a few of their own. In fact, you can be sure they will stretch the truth every once in a while. With their romantic view of the world, they can be unreasonably attracted to states of suffering and martyrdom, so they easily get into the role of saving someone, or being saved. My Personal Ad Bio: Im liberal. (After Breakup, No Contact), Cancer Compatibility with each zodiac sign. In fact, something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. They are warm, generous, and even grand. The Taurus lover wants to get down and dirty, and make sensual memories. With money, Venus in Aries may be impulse buyers. All I ask for is fairness.. Appreciate their saving for a rainy day attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way. They are deeply sensual, passionate and they love sex. They telepath their values front the start, and move slowly but surely toward sealing the deal. They want to impress you with the things they do. Highlights of Venus in Taurus Man: 1. Better half: Somebody who takes life seriously and determinedly; 4. Whether they are liberal or conservative, however, Venus in Cancer people tend to express their political views emotionally. They are not usually especially generous people and are typically quite practical and patient when it comes to saving and spending money. Venus in Libra may actually succeed in this regard, but at what cost to the relationship? A pair with different speed settings, and often, attitudes about love. They are very loyal and prefer long committed relationships. People who have both the Sun and Venus in Cancer are, at their best, nurturing presences focused on building emotional security for themselves and their loved ones. He is not as inclined to go for women who are model-thin, tomboy-ish, or for the high-profile career type. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. In love, their tastes change often, and it can be hard to know what to expect from one day to the next (or, sometimes, from one hour to the next!). Ive built a solid foundation. Venus in Cancer can be a hard combination with the Sun in Gemini. Avoid taking advantage of their good nature and willingness to make sacrifices. [], The Most Hated Zodiac Signs for Women (Ranked Most to Least) Vekke Sind, [] Who is Venus in Cancer compatible with? If you like knowing where your relationship is headed, youll be mighty pleased with Venus in Capricorn. Venus in Aries men and women behave in a childlike, fun-loving manner in love. Heartbreaks can be completely devastating. These intriguing partners will reward you with a love that is accepting and comes as close to unconditional as humans can get. If each can respect the rhythm of the other in love, it's a mix of vigor and sensuality for long unforgettable nights. The Venus in Cancer woman may lean more toward traditional gender roles than some women. ), and an element. The emotional side of Venus in Cancer is not always easy for the Venus in Cancer woman, though, and it is possible for her to be moody or even manipulative in some cases. The ephemeral and the down-to-earth marry here. Calculate your free birth chart and receive a free report, including the position of your Venus as well as other planets here: Free Astrology Reports. The Venus in Taurus or Venus in Virgo partner would ground the Venus in Cancer person, making it less likely for the Venus in Cancer person to get lost in emotional extremes. When Venus is in Taurus, you are good at reading the world and this means that your instincts are always spot on. This person is drawn to the tried and true. Let them feel they own you, without taking it to extremes. Dont know the sign position of your Venus? I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. They want you to see just how competent they are. Venus In Cancer Man. Venus in Cancer is no exception. Venus in Aquarius men and women are attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships. Aquarius If you are a middle-aged woman looking to have a good time dating man half your age, this advertisement is for you. putting them down in this area. Experimental relationships are intriguing to them. And here, we'll find out what the Venus in Cancer man would be like. A Venus in Cancer man is a master at winning the heart of hopeless romantics. They can find a way that any position anywhere on the political spectrum ties into their view of family values somehow. Click Being friends as well as lovers is important to Venus in Aquarius. These people are sensitive in love, even if their Sun sign is the more playful and outgoing signs of Gemini or Leo. Look beyond Sun Signs. Love needs to make sense and have a purpose with Venus in Virgo. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, He wants an interesting woman. Potential lovers get the feeling that Venus in Scorpio will never stray, that they are intensely loyal to the one they love. The Scorpio (Venus)lover is all in and craves soul submersion. He doesn't like to be pressured or rushed into things, especially commitments or relationships. Pleasing Venus in Gemini involves supporting their need for fun and variety, showing interest in their brainpower and knowledge, and giving them space for friends and activities outside of the relationship. Although they want to explore all of your nooks and crannies, they wont always be forthcoming with their own. The message is: dont push them beyond their limits, because although it might appear that they have none, they do draw the line at some point. Show-offs and know-it-alls turn them off. If you have either Venus (with feminine energy) in Taurus or Mars (with masculine energy) in Taurus, you have a subtle but strong energy. A generosity of spirit, when cultivated, helps to overcome any barriers to love. Sensual but simple auras are most attractive to these men. They try to win you over by expressing how enterprising and independent they are. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. The Taurus lover might not show the intensity but is physically present in a way that's complimentary. If you can, and theyre deserving, relinquish some of the control in the relationship. The placement of Venus in your astrological chart speaks to what you value in life. Finding a soul mate, a person with whom to share all the moments of happiness, someone whom to support him in times of need, is his greatest . Pleasing Venus in Virgo involves showing you appreciate them for all the little things they do and they do a lot. They can be rather confusing and hard to pin down as they feel their way through their relationships. Dont know your Venuss sign? Venus in any of these signs tends to express its element intensely. Scorpio Venus-Taurus guys and gals gravitate to the voluptuous and firmly-rooted. Where is Venus placed by zodiacal sign in your chart? Nobody can get the best of them. With the goddess of love in Pisces, love is all-embracing, they are able to forgive and understand, they are seducible and seductive, and they show tremendous compassion to their partners. They pay more attention to your feelings than your words, and observe you rather carefully. Sun in the Signs | Moon in the Signs | Mercury in the Signs | Venus in the Signs | Mars in the Signs | Jupiter in the Signs | Rising Signs (Ascendants). Older astrology texts often refer to fire and air signs as masculine and water and earth signs as feminine. RT @OneLuckyGirl_28: MARCH 2023 ASTROLOGY FORECAST 3/2 Venus conjunct Jupiter 3/2 Mercury enters Pisces 3/7 Full Moon in Virgo 3/7 Saturn enters Pisces 3/16 Venus in Taurus 3/19 Mercury in Aries 3/20 Sun enters Aries/Spring Equinox 3/21 New Moon in Aries 3/23 Pluto in Aquarius 3/25 Mars in Cancer A lover in the sign of the Twins (Gemini) finds pleasure in the running commentary, and quick witty back and forth wordplay. Being a romantic being, he is attracted to a woman who falls so deep in love with him that she treats him like her king and remains loyal forever. See More Venus-Mars Sign Combinations: Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. Venus in Cancer has a good reputation for being really sweet. The Venus in Cancer woman is a romantic who, when in love, falls hard. I will help you.. They possess you, and somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed. Venus in Leo loves to be adored, pampered, and admired. Feed their need for spontaneity, and appreciate their playfulness. Venus in Taurus man loves to go at his own pace and keeps things straight. All four of the cardinal signs mark the beginning of seasons. Better half: someone who is content with their life 4. However, they fear instability, and they usually have a deep fear of rejection and of not measuring up, which can also be a motivator behind a strong drive to provide for a partner. The shadow side of this position is allowing themselves to be victimized or deluded, as well as evasiveness. Each Zodiac sign is also ruled by at least one planet or luminary. Their body-and-soul love and commitment can be so intense that it eclipses fun and makes loving them a very heavy experience. Venus in Scorpio men and women give you their complete attention. If a mans Venus is in Libra, heis most attracted to femininity expressed as understated charm, good manners, and a simple but beautiful appearance. Venus in Capricorn people are attracted to serious, goal-oriented lovers. Avoid pushing your friends or family on them too fast remember they are a little shy. They are sensual, sometimes even to a fault. Like all pairs of opposite signs, Cancer and Capricorn are dealing with similar issues. Some Venus in Cancer men handle this energy by trying to live vicariously through a female partner who feels more comfortable openly expressing sensitivity. Its a different story if you do the same, however. Of the Venus in Cancer men who do feel comfortable enough to show their emotional side, some use this power for bad ends, like emotional manipulation. Venus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer Your Venus is in an Earth sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. They can be good with their money, spending lavishly only on objects of beauty, long-lasting objects, and food. the new Love Ties report. Venus in Libra people can be especially idealistic about love. Venus in Leo makes for a very passionate, fiery personality. In love, Venus in Aries people are hopelessly addicted to the conquest. The Venus sign determines a person's love nature as well as how he or she attracts a partner. They both also crave a sure-thing and once latched on, enjoy the sense of permanence (in a chaotic world). Pleasing Venus in Pisces involves enjoying tender moments and romantic times with them. At worst, the Venus in Cancer man can be looking for a partner who will be his mommy. Your main form of flirting is definitely physical contact! They generally keep their cool in relationships. Unlike Venus in Libra, which thrives on equality, Venus in Pisces is actually turned on by inequality! This desire for emotional security is so strong that it can keep together an otherwise bad relationship. The concept of projection is an interesting and valid one. It is not easy for women to find a good man, and to be honest it is not easy for a man to find a good woman. Learn to laugh, but take their rants and raves seriously. If a mans Venus is in Cancer, he may prefer women who come across as sweet, soft, and warm. Although the basic drive is toward intense closeness, blind faith in their partners is extremely hard.
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