The Sharpleses had continued to live in Inkerman Street, but after Alfred's death Ena needed a change and eagerly accepted the position of caretaker at the Glad Tidings Mission Hall in Viaduct Street when it was offered to her after Gladys's death. Cilla Brown: [after Roy has taken Chesney to the airport] You call the airport and I call the police, Hayley. We'll take on some new staff, we'll expand, because all that matters is our girls. Rita Littlewood: [reading from the novel] "Norris jumped out of the moped as Emilia and Reeba alighted the side-car ", Rita Littlewood: " and hand in hand, the three of them ran barefoot through Chester Zoo. Ena lived there with Vera until Vera moved out in 1946. Despite her occasionally antagonistic nature, Ena was a respected figure in the community and, although seeming at times to be a loner, had many friends in the street. Hayley Cropper: Listen to her, Tracy Barlow. Robbie Sloane: [pulling out a gun] Before you ask, yes, it's a real gun. The curtains won't twitch themselves, you know. Blanche Hunt: Good looks are a curse, Deirdre. But you *are* destroying me. Robbie Sloane: [Robbie ties Hayley to a chair. She quit upon hearing the news and moved in with Minnie at No.5. She loves him, she loves him not (Credit: ITV) "Peter running a pub is like putting a cat in charge of an aquarium.". Now before your lady's done a bing-bong, there'll be armed police swarming all over him! . I don't suppose either of you thought of puttin' the kettle on, did yer?" She was fined 40/-. Emily Nugent: It's not really a page-turner, is it? In 2010, a short online video titled Ken: A Life on the Street reiterated that she was no longer alive when Ken Barlow (William Roache) told his grandson Simon (Alex Bain) that she was "long dead now". Kelly Crabtree: Yeah, see them fellas' eyes poppin' out. Norris Cole: Oh well, don't blame me when you're in pot up to your waste! I've never heard so much self-indulgent whinging in all my life! Ena: I would just like to go the way me mother did. Craig Nelson: No, I've got my Christmas money. Ena married Alfred in 1920 and they had three children: Vera, Madge and Ian. . Blanche Hunt: Do you think they wrote their own vows? To offset her money problems Ena took on the job of live-in housekeeper at No.9 for Len Fairclough (Peter Adamson) although, when the Community Centre at the Mission closed down, Ena moved back into the vestry. The final episode featuring Ena was broadcast on 2 April 1980. In the show's fictional history, the street was built in 1902 and named in honour of the coronation of King Edward VII. Ena didn't approve, seeing it as the misuse of a holy building and an invasion of her home. Norris Cole: No, I most certainly did not! Blanche Hunt: An alcoholic and an arsonist open a bar? Ena alerted the other residents about it and Val was rescued. Shelley Unwin: Yes, I have, and I thought it was me but it's not. Gail Potter: [to Richard Hillman] You're Norman Bates with a briefcase. In 1977, Councillor Tattersall (George Waring) tried to sack Ena so that his niece could take her job, but Alf Roberts (Bryan Mosley) fought on Ena's behalf. Ena spent much of early 1978 with the Lomaxes in Hartlepool, who offered to house her permanently but she refused. Sean Tully: Think think. Ena had a health scare in 1962 when she suffered a minor stroke, brought on by hypostatic pneumonia. Jack Duckworth: [after he sees through Vera's disguise] You're no flamin' widow! Ena broke down, to the shock of the other residents. Minnie was usually content to let Ena do the talking while she only partially listened. Carla breathes heavily through her gag, terrified]. [Carla and Hayley turn to see Tony walking towards them], Robbie Sloane: She's howling like a banshee, someone will hear. Ena spent much of 1974 living in St Annes, making occasional visits to Minnie at No. No further mention of Ena was made, and it was assumed she had moved to St Annes permanently. Don't go away. Tracy Preston: You touch me with that, I'll sue for criminal injuries, together with child support from him. What would Angela Lansbury do in this situation? Blanche Hunt: He looks like he should be crayoning summat. Her sister Alice, a few years older, often resented Ena's attempts at perfection. One of the main characters during the 1960s, she was featured less regularly in the 1970s due to the declining health of actress Violet Carson, and was written out in 1980. Ena took that one step further - the self-proclaimed moral voice of the street, Ena was a law unto herself, making sure to know what went on in the lives of every resident, to the extent where they weren't sure themselves how much she knew. For the duration of World War II, Ena was an Air Raid warden, lording it over the other residents when they had to seek refuge in the Mission cellar. Ena occasionally went to stay with Colin and his family after Vera's death. She was delighted in 1970 to meet young Tony Parsons, who shared her passion for the harmonium. Jamie Baldwin: No, this is stage one - detoxification. The mission hall was demolished in 1968 - a significant year indeed - to make way for the new community centre. In court, Ena pleaded not guilty, but refused to give her age when questioned, saying only that she was over 21. The community the Mission served - a working class backstreet with a raincoat factory close by - gave Ena plenty of ammunition for gossip, and a reason to voice her disapproval, under pretension of upholding the Lord's work. Steve McDonald: You tell Karen about the baby, I will make you pay, I will make you suffer. You made me feel scared, you made me feel inferior. It must have had some place, or else viewers would not have reacted so well to Ena Sharples. Ena preferred to control Vera's life and was disturbed when in 1942, while she had gone to a concert, Vera had gone to the American military base with Elsie Tanner and Elsie's friends, where she'd gotten drunk and lost her virginity. In court Ena pleaded not guilty, but refused to give her age when questioned, saying only that she was over 21. Well you certainly have! The argument only stopped when Ena learned it was to be a mission on another street which was to be closed. A Hairnet is a small, often elasticised, fine net worn over long hair to hold it in place. I am Ena the Lamia. 1963: Ena holds her own during a run-in with Leonard Swindley. Peter Barlow: Blanche, what we normally do at this point, is let other people in the group reflect on what the speaker has just said. Oh naughty Blanche! Ena and Minnie lived with each other at No.5 several times, usually when no one else was willing to house Ena, who was reputedly difficult to live with. Ena had been aware of the many men Elsie had entertained at No.11 over the years, and strongly disapproved considering she was still married and opined that she was putting her own needs above those of her children. Father I can do better. Ena was never seen in Weatherfield again, and all subsequent references to her were in the past tense. Later that year Ena's great nephew, Tom Schofield (David Holliday), visited her and invited her to her brother's home in the US for an extended stay. She had two elder siblings, Alice Raynold (ne Schofield) (18851965) and Tom Schofield (d. 1973). 1960-1980 Ena Sharples: If I had my way, I'd like to go like me mother did. In 1969, Ena became bored with the maisonette and moved into a flat above Ernest Bishop's (Stephen Hancock) camera shop. Six? Betty Turpin: Well, that's what we used to say. Ena was first seen to wear a hairnet in Episode 5. Richard Hillman: Why can't they leave us alone? With Glad Tidings gone, the closest place of worship was the Victoria Street Mission, and Ena kept close tabs on the comings and goings there. [points at Peter] And this one 'ere, he's an alcoholic, you know! Ena and Albert became close enough that he would stay with her family while on leave but, when he asked her if she wanted to be more than friends, she declined, stating that she was still mourning Phil. As Vera and Madge grew up Ena alienated them through her judgemental and frequently interfering nature a point of much contention for Ena. It's all about image these days. Blanche Hunt: I'd cut off his whatnots wi' a pair of garden shears, me. From left to right, Ena Sharples, Bruce Forsyth and Peggy Mount during rehearsals for the Daily Mirror Television Award show, 29th July 1962. Since 2017, ten sequential classic episodes of the series from 1986 onwards have been broadcast weekly on ITV3. Although generally dismissive of each other in public, they did occasionally put their differences aside in a crunch - in 1962, when no one else would, Ena let Elsie know that her boyfriend Bill Gregory was married. Betty Turpin: With his reputation for proposing, you know, they'll have fixed a date already! Blanche Hunt: I'm a realist - I don't live in fairy-land like you do. Vera came to stay again later in 1966, saying she was ill. Ena didn't believe her until she spoke to Vera's doctor, who said that Vera had a brain tumour and had a month to live. She likes the 'let-it-all-hang-out' look. I've got something for you. Her usual sparring partner was the promiscuous Elsie Tanner, though Ena eventually came to admire Elsie for her strength of character. [on hearing that Peter and Leanne want their own bar]. When a family of Italians opened a caf in 1961, Ena boycotted the caf because they were Italian, however she changed her mind when she won a free meal in a raffle. Sally Webster: Sarcasm doesn't suit you, Soph. In 1975, Ena began to make much more frequent visits to the street but often found that Minnie was away in Whaley Bridge, visiting their old friend Handel Gartside. Now, scream. If it were a bit longer she could shave with it" Photograph: Rex Features Raquel Watts She had a star named after her (by the. [pushes Carla, who is tied to a chair and gagged with duct tape, in front of Hayley] I said shut up. 2023. In 1963, Ena reported youth Michael Butterworth to the police for stealing and cashing her pension. Blanche Hunt: They say that alcohol loosens the tounge. However, Ena's age and ability to do the work was a constant concern to the Council. The war years involved many highs and lows between Ena and Elsie - Ena helped deliver Elsie's first child, Linda, in Annie Walker's living room, but later wrote a letter to Arnold about Elsie's affairs with soldiers, which led Arnold to return home and rape Elsie. Searchlight Brewery. When Minnie eventually decided to move to Whaley Bridge to live with Handel Gartside, she left without telling Ena as she feared Ena would talk her out of it. Ena Quotes Carson's love/hate relationship with the character was well known. Roy Cropper: [to Hayley] You have turned an apology of an existence into a life, fuller and more joyous than I could ever hope. Kirk's has been sat in a deck chair in Blackpool since the late nineties. Marriage job - on the gob!". Fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street, "An addict's appreciation of Coronation Street",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 16:33. Tony Gordon: Well, I didn't come to all this trouble to host a staff meeting. Ena Sharples. Returning home, she was horrified to discover that the Mission was being converted into a Community Centre, with social worker Ruth Winter assigned to work there full-time. In 1969, Ena's capacity to interfere almost ended in tragedy when she told off bookie Dave Smith for hassling Minnie, who had been gambling and owed Dave money. Your donor kidney would reject you if it could. Of her old adversary Ena Sharples, she said: "That woman's tongue. Ena Sharples: Oh, lovely. [Robbie grabs her]. Gail Platt: Again? She won't hear you - she's as deaf as a post! She also enjoyed singing and led the residents into sing-songs on various special occasions. Number of appearances And you can take that any way you like! The Weatherfield Mission committee decided to close one of their halls in 1965 due to the lack of interest, with the choice falling between the Coronation Street Mission and the Bold Street Mission. What do you think? Warren's initial kitchen sink drama proposal was rejected by the station's founder Sidney Bernstein, but he was persuaded by producer Harry Elton to produce the programme for 13 pilot episodes. She just sat up, broke wind, and died." - Ena Sharples - 14th December 1960. Valerie Tatlock: What are you talking about? They had three children: Vera, Madge and Ian. Are a mild-mannered church-goer called Emilia Rita Littlewood: and a racy, Titian temptress called Reeba. Although she returned, her appearances were far less frequent due to Carson's ongoing health problems. [2] High quality Ena Art-inspired gifts and merchandise. In 2010, a short online video titled Ken: A Life on the Street confirmed that she was no longer alive when Ken Barlow told his grandson Simon that she was "long dead now". Minnie was furious and told Ena their friendship was over, though she later relented. A fortnight in Blackpool: chip shops, stink of onions, lights, some imbecile sideshows, a dirty great concrete fairground and they're happy. Steve McDonald: She means it, Karen. This is just the beginning. After Arnold left for war service, the hostilities continued between Elsie and Ena. Liz McDonald: Morning, all. 1 note "Oh, lovely. Annie Walker: My idea of heaven is doing a foxtrot on a French-chalked floor, knowing I look right. I mean we really made the best of it didn't we?". She quickly regained her speech and mobility, but the following year was diagnosed with arteriosclerosis. Sally Webster: I saw you earlier cleaning Emily Bishop's windows. Anyway, it's only a little mistake and the printer's put it after the 'S' in Websters and now it looks like the auto centre belongs to all of the Websters instead of just you! "Passion meek - on the cheek. Ena would do all she could to protect her loved ones but her efforts were often misconstrued as interfering. Despite her willingness to gossip about the sordid details of her residents, Ena was very guarded about her own private life and resented Martha for discussing her health problems with Vera. Albert Tatlock was foisted on her as "co-caretaker", though she insisted on being called "senior caretaker". What did you lace it with, ProPlus? First appearance When Ena believed the Mission Hall was going to be closed, she decided to throw Elsie and son Dennis out of their flat so she could move in (she owned the property). Maxine Peacock: You should've stayed at the party, Maxine! [He rips the tape off her skin. Ena and Albert became close enough that he would stay with her family while on leave, but when he asked her if she wanted to be more than friends, she declined, stating that she was still mourning Phil. In 1914, Ena had become friends with Albert Tatlock after Dinky Low, a local boy Ena had a crush on, asked her to write to Albert. Ena was pleased as it occupied the exact spot where the vestry had been. I've seen it with my own eyes! [Janice pays a visit to the factory the day after flashing her bosom in the pub]. However, her health remained a point of contention. Sibling(s) There was an instant chemistry, but Ena was upset to learn he was already married and broke contact with him. 'Coronation Street' was massive in our house. She also quickly learned to be self-sufficient, taking on factory work when she was only 11. Norris Cole: I think you'll find I was protecting you! 14h However, you must be able to see this is VERY important! Within six months of the show's first broadcast, it had become the most-watched programme on British television, and is now a significant part of British culture. Well, the two women involved in this Rita Littlewood: Yes. Valerie Tatlock: [deflated] You're not enjoying yourself then? Kenneth Barlow: [whole family minus Tracy sees Roy creeping downstairs after Tracy drugged and slept with him] Tea Roy? The Mission was closed for good a year later, when it was demolished along with the factory to make way for a block of two-storey maisonettes. Movies. Scream! [Blanche slaps him] What the hell were that for? On 17 September 2010, it became the world's longest-running television soap opera and was listed in Guinness World Records. Amber Kalirai: It's the holidays, though, innit? We found this clip in th. Add Check-in. Ena's first drink at the Rovers Return was in 1918 with Lizzie Hinchcliffe. Cilla Brown: Anything you have to say to Les, you can say to me. In 1973, Ena suffered two heart attacks, but refused to move away as she wanted to die in the street. I've had 10,000 run. Seven? Coronation Street Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In her schooling days, Ena met Martha Hartley and Minnie Carlton, establishing lifelong friendships. [Violet is recounting Fred and Bev's furtive early-morning goodbye]. Gail Potter: David's been through the wringer. You and him have been on and off more times than the light in Eileen Grimshaw's fridge! It attracted little media or public attention, as the producers intended her to continue in the serial the character was merely going to stay with a friend, Henry Foster, in St Annes while her flat in Coronation Street was being renovated. Tony Gordon: [Tony kneels beside Carla's face. Hayley Cropper: [entering empty factory] Well, where is she? Weatherfield If it's about the paperwork just leave it to me. When Ena discovered his scheme she 'sold' him Onward Christian Soldiers, exposing him as a fraud. Pictured is cast member Ena. [Blanche slams her front door shut and Frankie looks through the letterbox]. That's all. 10h First of all, who the hell are you? Ena was prone to hay fever. She cries loudly] Oh, did I give you a Chinese burn. 1140 Find your thing. Blanche Hunt: [on hearing that Peter and Leanne want their own bar] An alcoholic and an arsonist open a bar? This photo of Ena Sharples looking over the early 60s industrial landscape of Manchester/Salford (Weatherfield) is iconic. 5. Minnie continued to be fond of gambling, but Ena strongly disapproved and in 1972 tried to have her barred from Benny Lewis's Betting Shop for her own good. Shelley Unwin: Peter. Your mother's ashamed of you. Sally Webster: [sn*ggering] Yeah, and it's not in appreciation either. 25 IBU (3.64) 104 Ratings . Unbeknown to Ena, Dave had decided to forgive the debt but a telling off by Ena convinced him to change his mind. [knocks more jars of the shelf and then pauses], [throws a large jar of something on the floor and it smashes extremely loudly]. Blanche Hunt: Is there some correlation between how boring you are and how much you drink? Vicar: [attempting to escape from a reporter that has been questioning her] I expect you know today is the feast day for the patron saint of newspaper reporters. In 1980, Ena had to move out of the community centre while repairs were being made, and with nowhere else to go, accepted Elsie's offer of a bed. With Glad Tidings gone, the closest place of worship was the Victoria Street Mission, and Ena kept close tabs on the comings and goings there. She also quickly learned to be self-sufficient, taking on factory work when she was only 11. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. She did however sign up for the Over 60's Club, and agreed to play the piano. [Hayley puts the phone down slowly and angrily]. Sick with guilt and worry, Ena scoured Weatherfield for anywhere Minnie might be. In 1961 Ena was sacked for spreading a rumour that Coronation Street was to be demolished when it turned out to be untrue, but Swindley was forced to re-hire her when a suitable replacement could not be found (Ena had bribed the other candidates to turn the job down). Angela Nelson: Oh, it's not a bottomless pit of emptiness, then? Although she rarely participated in organised street events, she was known to get involved occasionally. Ena then allowed Vera to go out on her own, and encouraged her to date Bob Lomax, who worked with them at the welding factory. There was a time when stupid people, with nowt to steal - could leave the doors open! Peter Barlow: I don't know, I've forgotten. Karen Phillips: [holding up one of her shoes] Don't defend her, Steve, cause I've got one of these for each of you. Our maths genius helped with all this. Sarah Platt: [Moodily] It's not working, you know. But then I enjoy being with you. It's you, Charlie! 24th November 1899 [1] Ena has also been described as "a Coronation Street prototype, a strong, bossy woman". Tim Metcalfe: She put the "chest" in Manchester, that's for sure. Ken Barlow: [Beat as Ken realises what he's been saying] I am. A co-caretaker was foisted on her (none other than Albert Tatlock), though she insisted on being called Senior Caretaker. Marcus Dent: I was talking about her heart. Maya Sharma: Yes, well, you never know when you might want to stitch someone up. Did you listen to what you were saying? Miss Nugent: [Watching Blackpool Illuminations from the coach] Oh look Mrs Sharples, Old King Cole! Within the storylines of the programme these absences were explained as Ena taking a trip to the USA to visit her brother and a stay in St. Annes with Henry Foster. Liz McDonald: No, this is for me job interview. Blanche Hunt: [as the Barlows meet George and Eve, Blanche is very drunk] Kids on every corner - lurking and spitting, pavements knee deep in dog-doo, murderers running actories - on it's not like it was around here. Ken Barlow: Well, look at it. Happy to read and share the best inspirational Ena Sharples quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. You and Kenneth should count yourselves lucky. Sounds like the start of a joke. Violet Wilson: [Chuckling] Does it really matter? Vera died in 1967, in Ena's home, of a brain tumour. She was eventually offered her job back. Ena did not have much contact with the surviving Schofields until her great-nephew Tom Schofield contacted her in 1965 and invited her to stay in the USA. For caring? Vera hadn't yet been told her condition was terminal. How could you? Ena was taken away by policemen and given a caution, although the OAPs were triumphant in their cause. Carla Connor: [Carla tries to scream in warning through the tape over her mouth] What? Doesn't take much to amuse some people, does it? The Mission was closed permanently a year later, when it was demolished along with the factory to make way for a block of two-storey maisonettes. She moans in pain] Well, that's at least three layers of fake tan. What about that funny Victorian pub on the corner? [They all greet her] No I did, I found it really interesting. Ena smashed a window with her bag in anger, and when they both finally calmed down, and Ena agreed not to evict Elsie, Elsie made the ballsy statement that made everyone laugh under their breath: "Well you'll pay for that window!" Even the usually stalwart Ena gasped at that! Vera Sharples (1921)Madge Sharples (1924)Ian Sharples I know this runs counter to what is still, societally, our conception of the menopause - something that happened in 1962 to Ena Sharples, which she referenced only by mouthing "troubles down . Community content is available under. Steve McDonald: [to Karen] Look, half the street think you're a slag, the other half think you're a nutter. It's loaded. Blanche Hunt: You were all thinking it. Charlie Stubbs: Sorry about this, mate. Spouse(s) Occupation Minnie Caldwell: No, don't, she might hit you back. Ena collapsed due to the stress, but walked out of the hospital to return to her post so that Martha, who had taken on her responsibilities while she recovered, couldn't steal her job. For fifty weeks of the year they work to save up for this. Emily Nugent: Doing what? Around 1917, Ena met Alfred Sharples, who had been sent home because of a leg injury. Violet Carson died on 26th December 1983. Duration Typically dressed in a large double-breasted coat and hairnet, Ena was an imposing figure, intimidating many of her much younger neighbours.
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