Good to know that I can trust my gut. Awesome actor, bad tweeter (twitterer? That was a few years ago. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. I know what the pay off is for him, he wants his cake and eat it too but it still makes him a douche and it would appear a control freak and control freaks sometimes end up being abusive. Years ago, when she was living in this big corner house in the Lakeview neighborhood, she reused to have anyone shovel the snow. This is such a huge and intense accusation for a blind item that my lawyers (Kim Kardashian and Charlie Day) advised we add a note from the mods that this is via CDAN (crazy days and nights) and truly "alleged" with no proof, and we in no way endorse this rumour/gossip and it didn't originate here! Also, he's been quoted several times since their split saying he now has trust issues. See Kruger-Jackson and they aren't even married yet. Also, she has a few marriages under her belt, so I would take this blind with a grain of salt. Cusack is a known dick to women. Then I dated other idiots until I got really smart and married my non-cheating husband. He doesn't really seem the superhero type. She's just cool. Grosse Point Blank is one of my favorite movies, 16 Candles too. Also, I didn't realize you had a blog. They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. He worked with Cusack in 'Say Anything ". They seemed happy and very unassuming. She didn't need his money, she wasn't going to be left homeless without him, so why stay? I think Neve's career went down the drain because she is a crappy actress. He's always had a dickish air about him, IMO. I like John as an actor - I hate most modern rom-coms but I adore Serendipty. March and April 2002. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. He is no Lloyd Dobler. There isn't even a shred of "gossip truth" to the idea that John Cusack is a sleazeball with women outside of CDAN.I mean, we know that most of the BI's are fabricated, right? The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. From Neve's point of view. I did- and then I realized I was an idiot for taking him back, then I got smart, and didn't date him any more. However, there is such a thing as being a masochist. Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Besides, what does this BI actually accuse him of doing? Years ago, when she was living in this big corner house in the Lakeview neighborhood, she reused to have anyone shovel the snow. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke February 5, 2023 Even the A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner, knows a teenager is too young for him. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Apparently, he doesn. You know what they say. . Described as the modern-day Gossip Girl, Deuxmoi is an Instagram account run by an anonymous content creator who curates reader-submitted bits of celebrity chatter that oscillate between blind items a rumor with context clues but no names and unverified updates where the senders identities are anonymous but the famous individuals are not. Still have no respect for him, even if she was stupid. He rolled up on a Vespa with another guy, went into the establishment where I was sitting outside and split a pelligrino with his friend. The show, which has been running for over five decades had to quietly retire an actor who got one of the barely teen actresses pregnant. Aren't Cusack and Piven best friends? I tried to watch that crappy Poe movie he's in, and it SUCKED. She is 32 now.He's kind of gross. I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). Still have no respect for him, even if she was stupid. For instance, a creator called @skinfluencebymsk recently broke down the unsubstantiated claim that Ariana Grande had a secret affair with Jimmy Fallon. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. Ha, no, I'm in the States. All for nuthin. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Items Revealed #1 No personal attacks on other commenters. #1 - This A list director at least by reputation and name recognition has always lived in his own world. Never understood the big deal about him. Blind Items Revealed #1. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #5 No personal attacks on other commenters. Joan is not that sweet. He asked me if a was a friend of his sister Joanie and it took me a while but I finally put two and two together and realized who he was. I've had a few Cusack sitings one of which a few months ago. "I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). After a recent reveal about how smelly he is, that's all I can think about when it comes to him.Bleah. @Jsierra Light as a feather stiff as a board. It has a pretty big cult following in the online Gossip community. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke February 5, 2023 Even the A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner, knows a teenager is too young for him. I actually paid money to see it in the cinema 3 times! Just thought that was weird. I can read this as him getting involved with a pretty but shallow actress, trying to make it work and this is her crybaby aftermath story. I'm going to have to try your recipe. Perhaps she refused to sign a contract for a fourth/fifth film and only fulfilled a contract for the third. 14" ones. However, the third Scream was made in 2000 while she was with him. And I'm with the ones who are not buying Neve is the martyr hear. John is a dick though, I tried to follow him on Twitter, hell no, Neve should've just dropped his ass. Crazy Days and Nights New from CD&N today Oct 15 - not too exciting. My buddy has worked in Hollywood forever and would never front for a scumbag.C'mon, we know that most of the CDAN BI's from the last few years are fabricated, right? The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. Thank you for doing this- off to join both subs and catch up on my CDaN reading. Hey its approximate. Totally ruins my image of him. sure she may be bitter and trying to get back at him, but with these accusations? But when it's obvious that the hacks ghosting the site now are fabricating a whole series of attacks on someone, you have to call BS on that. My mother always taught me that it's bad form to air your relationship grievances. She didn't need his money, she wasn't going to be left homeless without him, so why stay? She finally ended things when she got engaged. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blogs proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. Probably Piven just bloomed into full dickishness *with* his success, and Cusack drew away from him.As for what happened between him and Neve -- well, I'm with Rhody. LOVE it so much. I have no doubt he's a piece of shit and treated her like hell, but no one forced her to take his career advice, and no one is to blame for "trashing her career for him" except herself. I went into the back yard, but all she had were a bunch of really, really old computer monitors. Profane, your buddy is male. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. There you go supapimp, that says it all.I have always loved Cusak but apparently he's become a grade A major jerk. She is forever a supahstah for Wild Things. @Sherry, ITA. He's a prince in my fantasies. but maybe i'm just biased because i like her. @Mango: totally agree! It did coincide with his Entourage success, but I never put it down to jealousy -- Cusack had been dragging Piven along with him right up until then. No. Not attractive, not a good actor.pfft. @NYer -- I think you have a point about his lack of long-term relationships, but I wouldn't call any of the "defenses" of Cusack so far "vociferous". Blind Items Revealed #4 January 4, 2023 This foreign born A list singer has a couple souvenirs from that very recent controversial photo shoot. This sucks. But this isn't the first i've heard of him being a douche. I remember I saw a blind item about Addison Rae on one of the websites, so I made a TikTok about it, like, Ooh, has anyone else seen this? it KILLS me he is such a douche. Used to love him. Crazy Days and Nights (, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. Better Off Dead will still always be one of my faves though. It sounds like typical mid-20s relationship crap. That's the generous spirit and healthy attitude of someone who is not obsessed with the past, right? I just kind of amassed this knowledge of the inside story of everything thats happening in Hollywood by checking this website every day. The Enty ghosties have a bitch against Cusack for some reason, probably because of his connections to Piven (who is a known scumbag). With notorious douchebags, there are not always two sides to the story, unless "He behaved like the notorious douchebag he is" counts as a side. So fine, but one can still play along for fun. I don't know why so many of you are hammering her. She should do Tv if she isn't. granted i know none of the players so what do i know. The actress also refused to answer any questions about the unusual photograph that everyone has been discussing. no relationship at his age raises real questions. He behaved like a total dick. Just accept the attention with as much grace as possible; the same with bad reviews.Broken hearts and bad form in sexual relationships are unfortunate but common. Thanks you guys! Used to see them together quite a bit and they/she sure seemed happy at the time. I'm no apologist for John Cusack, but I've never read a douchebag slam on the guy except on CDAN and I do know someone who has worked with him and liked him. But what is it with these women and their lack of self respect? This was back when I hung out in the Rush St. bars and would see them now and then. Cusack is a known dick to women. And the only person I blame is myself for putting up with it again and again. I will always love Lloyd Dobler, but I am one of many who confused Cusack with that character. It seems to me that those who are doubtful (including me) are doubting that Neve was the "innocent trampled flower who gave up her bloom for love" she's portrayed to be in this blind. Oh what the hell. Aww Neve. it only arises in the cusack defense pieces. Marry me! He likes to be the dirty Today's Blind Items - The Swap - Golden Globes. (and its kind of weird how vociferous his defenders are.) These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. She was asked how it was going and she says she has never been closer to her pets. I was just thinking about her yesterday! I can't speak to her role in the film - whether it's a substantial part or not - but she didn't walk away from it. But Neve is an idiot and I would sincerely like to know what damaged her so much she thought she needed to put up with that.
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