This compounds our sympathy for the Cratchit's as Tim was a symbol of innocence. There is a very real suggestion that Scrooge knows that the people are describing him. Seven Years 3. The use of the word 'alone' is repeated showing again that selfishness will lead to a life of loneliness. Shows Scrooge's inability to harness any other views that arent his. The verb sparkled has magical and positive connotations, shows Fred is the antithesis of scrooge. () *The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shrivelled his cheek, stiffened his gait; made his eyes red, his thin lips blue; and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice. Stave 4 - Bob's reaction to Tiny Tim's death Themes= family/time/poverty. Without the trauma from Scrooges youth and the death of his sister, Fran, its unlikely that he wouldve become the person that he did. External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge. Summary. Dickens though that this was wrong and aimed to change perception, 'Mankind was my business. Hallo!". Stave 3 - Scrooge's willingness to learn ``My little child!''. Marleys chains symbolize the mistakes hes made in life and the greed that controlled him. So, therefore, we should take responsibility for being a positive influence. Without the ghost of Christmas future, Scrooge wouldve been unlikely to change. International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, 2023 Book Analysis. A merry Christmas to you.". In what ways does the text indicate lbn Batutta's social status? About Scrooge: As solitary as an oyster., External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge., If they would rather die, said Scrooge, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population., Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it., Marleys Ghost: Mankind was my business., Marleys Ghost: I am here to-night to warn you, that you have yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate., There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night. Stave 2 - Belle's husband tells Belle about seeing Scrooge. The portly gentlemen are also instrumental in delivering Dickens' message. The metaphor shows he is rigid in his unfeeling behaviour to others. Any study of the time will tell you about the working conditions for the lower classes. The happiness he gives is quite as great as if it costs a fortune. Imagery of warmth has symbolism of generosity, compassion and forgiveness- Fred always makes a effort with scrooge. Key quotes from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. In this quote, Dickens describes London as a dark and dangerous place. "Reeked with crime, and filth, and misery". The simile 'like a tail' is suggestive of a snake, which is symbolic of the devil. Imagery of warmth has symbolism of generosity, compassion and forgiveness- Fred always makes a effort with scrooge. Themes= greed and generosity/time. however, her reference to their father suggests that he had not been kind in the past, thus reinforcing our sympathy. However, how the poor were treated was far more extreme in Victorian England. " Scrooge entered timidly and hung . The chains are a metaphor for his punishment for his greedy life. The boy is ignorace - the lack of education and the girl is want - the lack of money. Dickens also suggests that, through his adoration of a false god, he is no longer a good christian. Whatever the book. Tiny Tim is frequently referred to in Christian terms - as though his true goodness is close to God. Belle to Scrooge: "Another idol has displaced me a golden one.". It could also show that, as it has been so long since he was happy, he finds it difficult to describe. A Christmas Carol is a widely studied book filled with memorable quotes. Bob describes his crippled son. No Way- he tells them that the poor should go and die then there would be less people in the world. God save you! Whatever the genre. The Spirit pointed from the grave to him, and back again. The clerks sprinting home juxtaposes Scrooge's dinner in a melancholy tavern. Theme= poverty/greed and generosity. Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by AIC-CREATOR-TD Terms in this set (36) Of course, Dickens does use his trademark lengthy descriptions but nearly everything has a point. Partially because of the nature of its main character. The most clearly religious image though is how it wears a tunic of purest white, as though it is a pure, innocent Angel sent to guide him. This is evident in his early relationship with his nephew Fred. The verbs suggest age, disfiguration and pain suggesting how unnatural their conditions are that have led to this. Stave one About Scrooge: "As solitary as an oyster." "External heat and cold had little influence on Scrooge." "If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." "Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it." Th onomatopoeia here makes the bells sound particularly noise -and yet Scrooge sees them as 'glorious' which is suggestive of noises from heaven. Glorious! It was a worthy place. The repetitive structure and short exclamations create the sense that he cannot put into words how happy he is. Themes= time/Christmas, "A solitary child, neglected by his friends.". His house is dark - which reflects the darkness in his character and also adds to the gothic atmosphere of his house. Only financial gain. Invite Scrooge to come for Christmas dinner 4. I am as giddy as a drunken man. Stave 3 - the Cratchits The multiple similes emphasise Scrooge's joy and elation at his second chance. forgiving- "to Mr Scrooge, the founder of the feast.". It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. All rights reserved. Charles Dickens only really scratched the surface of this. No fog, no mist; clear, bright, jovial, stirring, cold; cold, piping for the blood to dance to; Golden sunlight; Heavenly sky; sweet fresh air; merry bells. The use of nature with a type of plant typically seen around christmas time makes scrooges comment even more menacing saying that they should kill him with the very thing that is giving him happiness in that certain period.- Scrooge If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. This is the image of rich men who are shown to ridicule Scrooge after his death.The rich are presented as unfeeling and callous- their physical ugliness reflects the lack of generosity in their spirits. I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse! ', "Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.". Privacy Policy, Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy., Scrooge says to the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: I am prepared to bear you company, and do it with a thankful heart., Two Business Colleagues: Its likely to be a very cheap funeral, said the same speaker; for upon my life I dont know of anybody to go to it., Scrooge to the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: I see, I see. This is said by criminals who plundered/ stole from scrooge after he died. With key quotes \u0026 analysis, this video provides an ideal format to gain a greater understanding of this novella in a matter of minutes. This quote shows Ebenezer Scrooge's miserly, miserable attitude toward Christmas at the opening of the story; he is obsessed with his money and has no time for festivities, family, or joy. "He hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple and it might be pleasant for them to remember on Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.". The ghost of Christmas presents it sitting on a throne of food. The opening line says, ''Marley was dead: to begin with. Scrooge's grave, by comparison to Tiny Tim's is 'overrun by weeds'. Hallo there! - Scrooge, Ever idiot who goes around with merry xmas on his lips should be buried with a stake of holly through his heart, The use of nature with a type of plant typically seen around christmas time makes scrooges comment even more menacing saying that they should kill him with the very thing that is giving him happiness in that certain period.- Scrooge. This reminds us of Freds line during the beginning of the book a phrase that Dickens later called The Carol Philosophy: It is only during Christmas that we open our shut up hearts and think of each other as being fellow passengers to the grave and not other beings on some other journey. During this section, Scrooge is reminded that we all die in the end, it is the only sure thing in life, and that all we have to work with is the short time that we have down here. Stave 1 - why the portly gentlemen are collecting for the poor With in-depth analysis, this video aims. Workhouses were a terrible place and menial and dangerous jobs such as sweeping chimneys still existed. This means that Scrooge is implying Christmas was designed to trick and fool people into spending money. Who suffers by his ill whims? The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. The adjective dismal connotes a lack of light and hopeless atmosphere. A solitary child, neglected by his friends is left there still - Scrooge sobbed, This shows scrooges lack of companionship and support even since a child this could show why scrooge became so money obsessed, I have always thought of Christmas a good time. This phrase is repeated to describe both Mrs Crarchit and her daughter. Marley tells scrooge he is responsible fro his punishment- he is suffering the consequences for his actions. Stave 1 - description of Marley's ghost Discuss why you think the poet made these choices. Stave 5 - description of Scrooge's redemption The tone is impatient as he does so. Copyright2007 - 2023 Revision World Networks Ltd. Setting includes not only the physical surroundings, but also the ideas, customs, values, and beliefs of a particular time and place. ', Stave 1: 'that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. Shows Bob's place of work, and shows scrooges harsh treatment on him. I am not the man I was. Privacy Policy, A merry Christmas to everybody! Stave 5 - The response of the portly gentleman to the money Scrooge wants to give him: Scrooge was better than his word. When it was made you were another man. Whoever the author.Discover new and exciting books to dive into with our Book Explorer Tool. A Christmas Carol - Quotes and Analysis Stave 1 Stave 2 Stave 3 Stave 4 Stave 5 ( ) The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker and the chief mourner. Of course, there is still a massive equality gap between the rich and the poor. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. The ghost of Christmas yet to come is a symbol of the effect that memories have on someone as they age. Dickens, therefore, is attacking the Malthusian capitalist theories. The conditional subordinate clause represents Scrooge's future actions. Themes= poverty/family/greed and generosity. Xmas Present - This makes scrooge realise that he needs to change or Tiny Tim will die young which is the one of the first stages of scrooges change. The Victorian's would have seen this as fitting. Arguably, this is the most famous quote from A Christmas Carol. The tremors of the great San Francisco earthquake that occurred in 1906 (was, were) estimated to have measured 8.3 on the Richter scale. Bob said he didnt believe there ever was such a goose cooked., About Tiny Tim: If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die., Bob Cratchit: Ill give you Mr Scrooge, the Founder of the Feast., About Ignorance and Want: This boy is Ignorance. The idea that anybody would be so callous about the dead is quite jarring and would have been especially impactful with a conservative Victorian readership. Her gown is poor but she is 'brave in ribbons'. Scrooge listened to this dialogue in horror he viewed them with a detestation and disgust. They are mans. These words are then used against him by the ghost of the Christmas present. Here in this quote, one can see Dickens playing with literal and figurative meanings to great effect. Given an unexpected opportunity to communicateperhaps as a Christmas miracleMarley feels determined to help Scrooge and he warns him here. The ribbons are her means of dressing more festively. The dying fire at the beginning of the novel symbolizes Scrooges lack of either. Stave 4 - Tiny Tim's burial place is eden like - as, despite his poverty and place in life, he was good and will be welcomed by god. Oh! Of course, the fact that this is obvious does not detract from the big reveal due to the way that Dickens masterfully creates tension. Ultimately he tries to extinguish the ghost's light. The words of the charwoman, who disgusts Scrooge, in the rag 'n' bone man's shop reflect the views to which Scrooge subscribed at the start of the novella when he declared that the poor were not his 'business' implying that his only business was himself. Scrooge awakes and finds his room as dark as when he fell asleep at two o'clock. "Every person has a right to take care of themselves. Studying A Christmas Carol? - Scrooge, Is scrooges staple opinion to christmas at the start of stave one, showing off his negative opinions to begin with, this is used to emphasise the change in scrooges character from the beginning to the end. This shows scrooges lack of empathy for the poor people around christmas time not regarding their life or family, this is used to show a change later on in the book with him not donating to the 2 gentleman at the start but him donating to them at the end of the play- Scrooge to the two gentleman, Marley during his life was a harsh businessman similar to scrooge and he was also very uptight not giving money to charity or other good causes. Whoever the author.Discover new and exciting books to dive into with our Book Explorer Tool. () The introduction of the portly gentlemen provide an opposition to Scrooge. The noun unanimity suggests that he is happy to be involved. The idea that they shake hands with each person 'individually' shows the humanity with which they treat everyone - they do not see the poor as 'creatures' uses long and short clauses to show how busy they are. Bovey, Lee-James "A Christmas Carol Themes and Analysis " Book Analysis, Dickens uses Scrooge to show the extent of change that is possible in a small amount of time. What I think is really clever is that the story is framed so that when we see the ghost of Christmas past, seeing the things that shaped Scrooge into the man he is at the beginning of the play starts to let us feel sympathy for him so that when he is offered a second chance as a reader, we are glad he gets to redeem himself. scientist; is. Stave 1 - Scrooge's response to the gentlemen saying that people would rather die than go to the workhouse. These cover themes like wealth, poverty, Christmas, and kindness. 'A Christmas Carol' is a widely studied book filled with memorable quotes. But, they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another and contented with the time. in Its progressive form. 'It was a strange figurelike a child: yet not so like a child as like an old man'. He stopped at the outer door to bestow the greetings of the season on the clerk, who, cold as he was, was warmer than Scrooge. Key quotes from a Christmas Carol- Stave 2, A Christmas Carol Vocabulary, A Christmas Car, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, California (Grade 9, Volume 1), myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, myPerspectives: Grade 10, Volume 2 California Edition, A Christmas Carol - quotation analysis-Stave. Flint is a type of ground that makes it difficult for life to grow kind of like how scrooges character allows no imaginations to grow. This again leads back to Dickens' idea of collective responsibility - that everything that we do influences others. The last line of A Christmas Carol is God bless us, everyone. Its spoken by the well-loved character Tiny Tim. A Christmas Carol is a well-loved and commonly read novel that focuses on themes of Christmas and poverty. Where graceful youth should have filled their features out a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them. said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. Of course, the suggestion that people might be talking about him is beastly to Scrooge. Stave 2 - The first of the three spirits Y. The hellish atmosphere is emphasised by the fact that the ghost's clothing and hair appears to move as though in an updraft of heat, suggesting that the ghost is in hell. 2. However, inside that shell - like Scrooge - the oyster is soft and vulnerable. And perhaps its because we know the story so well, or maybe because it is pretty obvious, most readers will probably understand that they are in fact commenting on Scrooge. "I wish you could have gone. If he had been, he'd have had somebody to look after him when he was struck with Death, instead of lying gasping out his last there, alone by himself.'. The ghost of christmas present is showing the two children that hide in his cloak and he says that the problems these children portray are the problems of mankind. Themes= Christmas/greed and generosity/family. Themes= greed and generosity/time. Stave 5 - Scrooge's reaction to discovering it is not too late sungiemarie. He teaches scrooge to learn from his mistakes of his past. On this page, readers can explore the quotes, they are broadly separated into a few sub-categories. The description of the figure who is both like a child and like an old man, is suggestive of the journey that the ghost takes him on. As it is used in line 32 , the word reticent means the opposite of. Glorious!'. My little, little child!'' Draw an arrow from each underlined word to the word it modifies. Setting can help create an atmosphere or mood in a literary work. "If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." I am as giddy as a drunken man. Dickens uses these characters to challenge popular preconceptions that the wealthy had about the poor - preconceptions which led to support for the poor law and the workhouses. Stave 4 - About Scrooge's grave: These include Scrooge's cold nature, the power of wealth, and loss. This compares directly with the explicit description of Scrooge at the start of the novel where even beggars will not speak to him. Example: The scientist, along with her two assistants, (is, are) working on a computer simulation of earthquake activity. The simile shows Bobs wealth in his family; he values them more than money and so is content with their love. Stave 5 - Scrooge walks the streets enjoying the company of others. He always did.". Themes= greed and generosity/Christmas/poverty. Stave 3 - Tiny Tim Stave 2 - Belle breaks off the engagement "Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be, only?". The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect. 'He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did NOT die, he was a second father. A Christmas Carol is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a stingy, cruel, wealthy, old bachelor.The book opens with a funeral. Dickens believed in collective responsibility - that the wealthy should take responsibility for helping the poor, specifically through the provision of education and support for children. Mrs Cratchit, although poor, represents the family's will to make the best of things - to celebrate in spite of their poverty. The key theme for Dickens is that money does not lead to happiness, Greed is the single factor that is responsible for the breakup of Scrooge's marriage, 'Another idol has displaced me a golden one', Stave 2: 'The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune', The Cratchit family are used as a depiction of a family in poverty, More than any other time in history there was a huge divide between classes, the lower classes lived in deperate poverty and were in want while the upper classes enjoyed a life of luxury, Stave 1: 'Many thousands are in want of common necessities, sir and many hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts', Scrooge's staff selling off his old goods, Victorian aristocracy were very keen to remain ignorant about the sufferings of the poor. I can't afford to make idle people merry.". ', 'He was all in a glow; his face was ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled, and his breath smoked', Christmas is a time when people 'Think of the people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A Christmas Carol: Key Moments Being such a short story there is very little that is extraneous. He is cheerful and oily where scrooge is cold and sharp. This is fitting because it is traditionally colder at Christmas but also because the cold is an apt metaphor for Scrooges personality. The metaphor shows the are poor but make the best of a bad situation, always smiling and showing they are grateful for what little they have. Pathetic fallacy - Scrooge can see now clearly - reinforced by the adjectives juxtaposing the foggy, misty scenes of earlier chapters when Scrooge could not see the error of his ways. We can infer that the only other person he cared for was Marley and even that wasn't really because of a friendship. Perhaps Dickens is using him to represent the idea of childhood innocence and how close children were to God in order to reinforce his message that the wealthy need to do more to mitigate childhood poverty. The onomatopoetic verb 'gasping' makes the reader explicitly imagine the death, suggesting struggle and pain. When you analyse poverty in A Christmas Carol, you may want to reference the setting as well as using direct quotes from characters. "Business!" "I am light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. 1. They now drag him down in death, and hes forced to wander the earth, unable to undo what he did before. The reader does not know that Tim has died, so Dickens foreshadows his death through the use of the simile. It would have done you good to see how green a place it is., Bob Cratchit about Freds kindness: It really seemed as if he had known our Tiny Tim, and felt with us., About Scrooges grave: overrun by grass and weeds., Scrooge on what he has learnt: I will not shut out the lessons that they teach., Scrooge: The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me., Scrooge: I am as light as a feather, I am a happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy.
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