While exploring underwater, Caleb had Frumpkin in octopus form wrap around his head and saw through his familiar's vision. After the meeting ended, Trent approached the party, who stepped defensively in front of Caleb, and addressed him as "Bren". [134], On the ship sailing to the peace negotiations, Fjord apologized to Caleb for holding the sword to his throat during the heist in the High-Richter's home in Zadash, admitting that it came out of his desire to control the situation. He then successfully Polymorphed it into a sea slug. He has also supported her and helped come up with solutions when Veth shared her doubts about staying with the Mighty Nein versus living with her husband and son. Caleb and Beau took a watch together, and Caleb brought up the afterlife, saying he assumed that where he was going is not great. Thank you for join, Matt says that the rolls from the party, the notably low rolls, informed how the Mighty Nein's expedition in the Sh. They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. . "Dangerous Liaisons" (2x37) His home was a small cottage in the style of his parents' home in Blumenthal, with planters of green beans in front,[95] but he usually put up his tower once inside and spent the nights there. When the group was outed as having attacked Kryn skirmishers, Caleb convinced the guards to allow him access to Jester's haversack. Caleb read from the Scroll of Invisibility and led the way through the Sour Nest. Caleb cast another original creation of his for the first time: Widogast's Vault of Amber. He then said to his parents that he hoped he wouldn't let them down. Languages "Between the Lines" (2x78) He has since realized that the more patriotic thing to do, and a better way to honor his parents, would be to make sure that the corruption of children by the Empire is stopped. Jester sharply asked Essek and Caleb whether they intended to use the T-Dock to travel back in time and change the past, and Essek responded that he would like to return to the chamber with Caleb and "exchange theories". Character Design Inspiration Dnd Characters *Primeira Temporada* Durante o pice das invases vikings, Meine, um elfo albino, capturado em uma excurso nrdica e vendido em um leilo de escravos. [91] Jester and Caleb took a watch together and Jester told Caleb that she didn't really think he smelled bad anymore. They fantasize about the things they want to have in the place they call home. Ads by Longitude. Caleb asked if this made them friends, and Yasha said that it did. Yasha was eventually able to break the charm by wounding Caleb. Essek had difficulty making eye contact with Caleb, until he indicated that he thought it might be possible to build upon Aeorian experiments with Dunamancy to travel back in time and undo past mistakes. Mayhem ensued as the group tried to get out safely. Fan art of Caleb's dream with the beacon, by Megzilla87. Fan art of Caleb and Jester reading Der Katzenprinz, by UndeadEmpress. After the battle, Caleb was able to make the Collar of Silence he took from the Magehunter Golem functional with Jester's help. "Through the Trees" (2x79) She was still defiant, and when he asked her if it would make a difference to learn that some of her victims were blameless, responded that there are things bigger than innocence. Level [159] When the Mighty Nein returned to Rexxentrum after Traveler Con, Caleb and the group received an invitation from Trent Ikithon to have dinner with him, Astrid, and Eadwulf at Trent's home in The Candles. Along with the rest of the Mighty Nein, Caleb was expelled from the Revelry after Avantika's execution. ", "You were always a better dancer than me, Astrid. [128] As an aspiring magic-user himself, Fjord complimented Caleb on his spells[129] and sought his advice on arcane matters. "Have Bird, Will Travel" (2x23) [52], His mother and father were incredibly poor, to the point that he once said they hadn't made fifty gold in their entire lives, though this may have been an exaggeration. When Fjord got pulled into the stained glass window in the library, Caleb searched for a way to help him rather than explore or take books. Veth has a lot of love for Caleb, often checking up on him and looking for ways to make him happy. His outfit has changed a few times, but most of the time he wears long coats and scarfs. When the party arrived in Felderwin, Nott's former home, Caleb was terrified to see Vess DeRogna and Ludinus Da'leth there and hid in the bottom of the party's cart to avoid being seen. Blumenthal, Zemni Fields (hometown)Rexxentrum, Zemni Fields (post-campaign home) [art 11]. Astrid and Eadwulf came to the Lavish Chateau in disguise to warn the party that the Mighty Nein and their families were being pursued by Trent. Caleb used a combination of his Scroll of Protection from Aberrations and the Mind Blank spell to remain safe from Lucien in his Neo-Somnovem form. [166], Caleb hoped to kill specific members of the Cerberus Assembly, including Trent Ikithon, out of both a desire for revenge and a hope to end the recruitment and corruption of children in the service of the Dwendalian Empire. Molly and Fjord went in first, making a large ruckus, but Caleb and Nott were accosted by Ren. "Rebirth" (2x139) Caleb let her copy the glyphs, only showing her where they went and guiding her hand on the tougher symbols. After Essek pulled Caleb free from the tower collapsed on top of him, Caleb took a moment to press their foreheads together. We could make it better, if you want to.". Caleb and Veth are best friends[116] and love each other unconditionally, often referring to themselves as part of a family. See a recent Tumblr post from @ Nightythemein About C2E133. While on watch together, Caleb told Veth that he felt guilty for talking her into coming to Eiselcross, but Veth reassured him she wanted him to talk her into it. Later, Nott pulled Caleb aside to tell him that she'd noticed something off about Essek. Before bed, Caleb reassured Jester, telling her that while he was a transmutation wizard, she was the one who changed people. He went further, saying that if Fjord became interested in releasing Uk'otoa, Caleb would not support him. From there, he, Jester, and Fjord Polymorphed into giant eagles and flew the group to near the final temple, where they intercepted Uk'otoa's servants. Receive a personal letter from Caleb Widogast, a character played by Liam O'Brien in Critical Role campaign two. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. [34] Upon Lucien's final defeat, the red eyes vanished, and his body was restored to its pre-Pattern state. "Campaign 3 Episode 50" (3x50) (stream) The two have been overly protective of each other since before they met the Mighty Nein. "High Seas, High Stakes" (2x99) [57] During this time, Caleb discovered that people did not pay attention to poor, dirty wanderers and maintained a disheveled appearance to escape notice. Caleb claims to not have a favorite color. Caleb destroyed the T-Dock, and the two later began a romantic relationship. The Scourger finally turned to look at him; she was not Astrid, but she smiled and said, "I've heard things about you, Bren. While fleeing from the Magehunter Golem, Caleb jumped on Fjord's back and attempted to cast Fly on them both, however the golem caught them in an antimagic field. Beau walked with him until it passed. [23] He has a series of scars on both of his forearms where crystals were embedded into his skin by Trent Ikithon; when he met the Mighty Nein he wore bandages on his arms and hands in order to conceal these scars. caleb widogast character sheetcost of natural swimming pool. Beau approached Caleb and apologized for the previous night. Upon arriving at the Chantry of the Dawn, Caleb offered to create a diversion for the party and moved around to the back of the building. Caleb left the case, but Nott managed to steal it for him without Fjord noticing. [172], As a boy, Bren dreamed of being a teacher at the Soltryce Academy. "Bathhouses and Bastions" (2x90) [art 37], Caleb and Essek are lifelong friends, and are romantic partners after the end of the campaign. "The Journey Home" (2x30) After struggling to coordinate with each other while invisible, the pair moved close enough to the house for Nott to message them to come in. For his part in the deception, Caleb disguised himself as a half-orc woman and carried Nott in like her baby. Zemnian Human Search for Grog character sheets of the characters that Travis and Liam played?To be clear, we don't "get" the sheets from the players; we reconstruct the . The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast. Caleb asked Beau to trust him, saying that his desire to kill Trent Ikithon was in line with the things that Beau and Dairon want. Liam O'Brien (Campaign 2)Matthew Mercer (Campaign 3) Family When Caleb fully identified the beacon and embraced its power, he asked the Luxon if 'it'-meaning time travel- was achievable. Initially, their interactions mostly involved teasing from Jester. Possessing an aptitude for magic, a love of reading, a Photographic Memory and very little regard for personal grooming, Caleb's priorities are to expand his magical abilities and simply survive. She offered him a banned book, The Courting of the Crick, which Jester surreptitiously bought as a gift for him. Caleb gave the name "Phillip" as his pirate alias to Captain Avantika. The real issue is that her direction for her character and Matt's direction of Yasha seem to be very different, so any time she returns she has to play the stormlords chosen (TM) where she has 0 involvement and RP with Marishas self insert character and her poorly concealed desire to get pegged by a muscle-mommy. That night, as he slept in a cellar under the Leaky Tap and guarded the beacon, Caleb had a strange dream about possible future Calebs. Trent continued to contact Caleb telepathically, telling him he wanted only to talk to him, which Caleb rejected. [42], Caleb has evolved from being withdrawn, untrusting, and on at least one occasion considering leaving the party,[43] to the person who of them all perhaps cares most about keeping them together. In obvious terror, Caleb told everyone a partial version. Later, Beau showed Caleb to the Zadash Cobalt Soul Archive. Caleb, attempting to warn Fjord about unknown abjuration magic in the chamber, delayed him in his race against Avantika. Caleb saw the close parallels between his own situation and Essek's, and urged him to seize this one opportunity to change and save himself. During the battle, a deep scion managed to dispel Caleb's Vault of Amber, causing all the contents, including the cloven crystal, to spill out onto the deck. Caleb told Jester it was okay if she wanted to keep the running joke going. The Mighty Nein entered the Happy Fun Ball in search of Yussa. Back in Berleben, Caleb asked Nott and Kiri to help him find a good stone, hopefully one with a ring around it, and after about ten minutes they did. The rest of the party looked meaningfully at Caleb when Essek mentioned that time was one of his specialties. Eadwulf and Astrid told Caleb that if that happened, they would follow him and do as he commanded. [87] Nott, however, began unlocking several books which she took, and Caleb stayed with her while urging that they needed to join the others who had already passed through the window to join Fjord.[88]. Caleb gave Essek the vial of distilled dunamis that the party found in the Brenatto Apothecary basement. Con And, even now, all these years later, I can't shake it, I still care a great deal about you. After Fjord lost his powers by throwing the falchion into the lava of Kravaraad,[133] Caleb stepped forward, gave him his Glove of Blasting, and asked the group for other magic items to help him out. Trent Ikithon continued to contact Caleb telepathically. "Rumble at Rumblecusp" (2x105) Caleb later gave the book (a Manual of Gainful Exercise) to Fjord. After descending into the ruins of Aeor in pursuit of Lucien and the Tombtakers, Caleb and Beau both received additional red eyes on their bodies. When the party was surrounded by a group of Kobolds, Caleb tried to explain the situation. The next day, with help from Essek and Nott, Caleb was able to complete the Transmogrification spell found in Halas's laboratory. Caleb later used Teleportation Circle to take the Nein and the newly-restored Clay family to Uthodurn. For the rest of his life, he taught, not only Luc Brenatto, but also at Veth's summer camp for young adventurers, and at the Soltryce Academy. Later that evening, Caleb cast the Tower and gave Essek a tour, leading him up to the ninth floor. Bren spent the next eleven years in the Vergesson Sanatorium until a fellow patient touched him, removing both his madness and his fake memories. "Long May He Reign" (2x140) He told her that she should "let herself a little happiness," and they embraced. "Beneath Bazzoxan" (2x66) Caleb seemed taken aback, but told her they would discuss it later, and called to the others to join them. [112] He has let Nott eat Frumpkin twice. She quietly told Caleb that Ludinus Da'leth had asked that they be tracked by the Volstrucker while in Eiselcross and that he knew the Nein were in town and that Vess DeRogna was dead. While claiming rooms in the Xhorhaus, Caleb chose the only bedroom on the ground floor of the home. [168] Caleb accepted Ikithon's invitation to dinner with the Mighty Nein, Ikithon, Astrid, and Eadwulf present, and Ikithon insinuated that Caleb's mental healing and escape from the Vergesson Sanatorium had been orchestrated by Ikithon to strengthen Caleb's potential as an eventual Cerberus Assembly member,[169] even if that meant he would attempt to kill Ikithon. Jester, not in on the plan, thought Nott really had killed Caleb and became very distressed. and Caleb eventually told her, "It's too late.". In one instance, Caleb invited Luc to help him work on his teleportation sigil. "The Hour of Honor" (2x24) In the fight with the remorhazes, Caleb Polymorphed the badly injured Jester into a wooly mammoth. [156] While Bren went insane after murdering his parents, Astrid and Eadwulf passed Trent's final test and became successful Scourgers. [45][46][47] His focus was frequently on allowing the others in the group to be with their own families as much as possible, and he took the time to understand each of their desires and memories. After discovered DeRogna's dead body, Caleb placed her in his Vault of Amber. "Stone to Clay" (2x91) In order to read the inscriptions, Caleb ate a psychedelic fruit. When Trent Ikithon gave his students the final task of killing their parents who were supposedly traitors to the Dwendalian Empire, Caleb "broke" when he heard his parents screaming inside their flaming house. Am like them. [art 32], Caleb is fond of Frumpkin. Astrid and Eadwulf were present in the Mighty Nein's battle against Trent, eventually turning on their abuser and helping Caleb defeat him. Jester has never mentioned romantic feelings towards Caleb, but cares a lot about him platonically. In Trostenwald, Caleb's general lack of hygiene attracted the attention of Jester. Caleb walked away, and Yasha destroyed the bowl with Magician's Judge. In order to protect the others, Caleb attempted to take sole responsibility for Kylre's death, but circumstances forced the truth to come out instead. He used Fiends of Folklore and Kylre's death to persuade Lawmaster Norda that the husk attacks were not the fault of the group. "Clay and Dust" (2x72) Later that night, Caleb told Nott that if she ever wanted to talk about her past, she could always come to him. That evening, Caleb put up his Tower, before the party realized that the Tombtakers had absconded with their bag of holding. Forty seconds later, a massive cat's claw slams through the center stained glass window and into the cathedral interior, initiating combat. As she said farewell and individually thanked each of the Nein, she told Caleb again that she loved him, and he replied, "I love you too, Veth the Brave." And Essek who Caleb thought was so, like, intellectually attractive and sexually attractive, and he was really drawn to him, but that was . Later, Caleb and the party met Astrid at the beer hall. A man born from patricide and flames is working his way towards health. At the beach in Nicodranas, Nott pulled Caleb aside and they talked about whether she should stay with her family. Although he believed he himself was ruined, he wanted to do something to make up for it. "The Tortoise and The Dare" (2x117) The Nein met with Essek, who told them that the thief who stole the beacons was Adeen Tasithar. When describing the material components for the spell, Some of the aliases used by Bren Ermendrud prior to meeting Nott and assuming the name Caleb Widogast, were: Trevor Albrecht, Collin Kramer, Eren Andermeier, Phillip Sommer, and Max Degenhardt (as listed in. Fan art of Caleb and Essek, by heidzdraws. Liam O'Brien later confirmed on Talks Machina that Caleb was manipulating Fjord in this scene, and that he hated himself for doing so. 20 Back on the Squalleater, Caleb questioned Fjord about his intentions. Essek was also worried that Caleb is being distracted by what's around him, and asked which was more important, Trent Ikithon's pursuit of Caleb or the party's pursuit of the Tombtakers. Cute Art. Nott asked him what he imagined he might have become if Ikithon hadn't gotten his hands on him, and Caleb answers that he would probably have remained at the Academy as a teacher. Caleb cares a lot about Veth. Powered by Squarespace. He also mentioned to Fjord that his sense of diplomacy had nothing to do with any magical gifts, but rather his persuasive nature. Caleb Widogast, born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, is a human wizard and a member of the adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. During the Nein's involvement with the Tombtakers, Caleb was exposed to the "Pattern" of the Somnovem through the fractals in Lucien's journal. Jester brought him back to consciousness. Below are the player character stats as they have been most recently updated on the show. Back in Rosohna, Caleb asked Yasha to order him a set of Kryn-style clothing, including a purple coat. Caleb took Jester's haversack while she was missing. Luckily, Vokodo failed his reflection with a natural one, giving Caleb the HDYWTDT?. Jester asked Caleb if that meant that Essek was "coming onto" him, to which Caleb telepathically replied, "It's complicated.". "Into the Eye" (2x131) Caleb widogast character sheet April 16, 2019 April 16, 2019/ CritRoleStats With apologies to Jeff Goldblum.Media References(0:00:19) Ashley: It's a wild Ashley at the table! They later collaborated with Caleb and Beau in sharing their story with the Cobalt Soul. Caleb told him that Fjord had been justified in his actions, revealing that he had killed his parents for the Cerberus Assembly. Avantika stabbed Frumpkin with the dagger, destroying him. Over the course of the fight, the minotaur-armanite knocked Caleb unconscious, but Caduceus brought him back with Healing Word. Lvl 10 Caleb and Beau awakened with another red eye each. Caduceus asked Caleb if he believed in fate, saying that he believed Caleb was being shaped by the world into "something important," and that he wants to ensure that he helped Caleb get to that point. Jester and Caduceus suggested bringing his parents back from the dead, but Caleb was unsure of whether their remains were still in the ground or had been taken away by the Scourgers. "A Fog Lifted" (2x106) We approach an important moment in this campaign as Critical Role's anniversary also approaches! On Rumblecusp, he created a dome filled with memories for each party member,[48] and when he built Widogast's Nascent Nein-Sided Tower, he provided individualized rooms for each party member based around their interests and their pasts. [98], When he returned to Rexxentrum to work with Beau and formally take a position with the Soltryce Academy, he began a tradition of gathering the Mighty Nein once a month for two nights in his tower together to catch up with each other. "Causatum" (2x70) Can I trust you? Caleb asked Nott to help him copy spells into his spellbook, and she agreed to help. It's been years since he broke his family to pieces. When Vokodo attempted to cast Chain Lightning, Caleb was able to successfully Counterspell it. Spurt card art by @capefoxalix. Nott confessed that the reason she was initially interested in hanging out with Caleb was that she knew he had amazing magical abilities. "Manifold Morals" (2x74) Also known as He's broken, he's traumatized, but he's doing his best. Caleb was initially suspicious of Twiggy. This whole soundtrack is showing Caleb Widogast rising from the ashes and healing as best as he can. [art 36], At the Diver's Grave, Fjord was curious about the purpose and power of Dashilla's altar, and urged Caleb to explore it. After carrying Caduceus to safety, Caleb dropped the spell and cast Wall of Fire between Fjord and Yasha. Critical Role is an American web series in which a group of professional voice actors play Dungeons & Dragons. She asked him to start trusting himself. Caleb has shown trust in Beauregard numerous times by choosing to hang onto her shoulder while his senses were transferred into his companion, Frumpkin. Caleb was present for Molly's death and funeral, eulogizing him by saying "shine bright, circus man." Caleb asked Beau if she could get him into the Cobalt Soul library in Zadash, and she agreed under the condition he tell her why he was afraid of fire. When the party reached the burned ruins of the Brenatto Apothecary and found the partially burned notes referencing dunamancy and the experiments of the Cerberus Assembly to begin to harness it, Nott realized that if it was not the Kryn Dynasty that might have her husband, it might be "[Caleb's] people," and became angry when he tried to keep her quiet about it because only Nott and Beau, at that point, knew his history. [115], Fan art of Veth hugging Caleb, by BlackSalander. [152][153] Some months after Lucien and Trent were defeated, they returned to the Temporal Dock in Aeor. He asked her what had happened after he broke, since he has no memories after his home burned. At Balenpost, Caleb and Beau built a snowman together and started a snowball fight. 16 This includes the story for unaired episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina, as it's based on the first campaign of Critical Role from 2015-2017. Last update: The Mighty Nein Reunited Official character card art by @ornerine. She suggested good hygiene as a start. He wondered out loud why he was still with the Mighty Nein. [art 21]. In combat with the demon spiders, Caleb was webbed and pulled in by the mother spider. But he has never put the idea away, not entirely. Caleb Widogast explaining his history and goals. Caleb, Fjord, and Caduceus went out for fish and chips, and talked about destiny and fate, their obligation to try to stop Tharizdun even if it meant their deaths, their growing attachment to the group, and their sense of duty to try to rescue Yasha from Obann. After resolving the issue, Caleb copied the teleportation circle for the archive into his spellbook. Fjord noted that despite what happened to him, Caleb still had a reverence for the institution, and Caleb agreed. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. Caleb told her he was indeed Bren Aldric Ermendrud. Caleb became suspicious of Fjord and his motives and noticed that his accent sometimes changed. [art 7], 2022 Official Caleb full body portrait, by Ari. He originally appeared to want revenge against Trent Ikithon; however, his present goal seems to be to prevent any more children being recruited and trained as he was. After dinner, the party were left alone with Astrid and Eadwulf, who Caleb invited to come along with them. Leofric was a soldier in the Empire forces,[101] and both Una and Leofric believed strongly in the Empire.[102]. In an incredibly risky move, considering Vokodo's ability to reflect spell damage back onto the party, Caleb cast Disintegrate. He used Cat's Ire to keep Fjord from being dragged underground by the adult remorhaz. [No Spoilers] Character sheets/stats from Episode 1. There, they were close friends, and at some point Bren entered into a serious romantic relationship with Astrid and Eadwulf when they all were in their late teens. "Uthodurn" (2x73) The guards promptly fled, and Caleb and Nott walked out of the jail together, staying together first out of convenience, but then for several months. Cause of death "A Walk to Warmer Welcomes" (2x124) 17 / 15[18][19] Caleb told Essek they were friends now, and Essek responded, "I like that." Chaotic Good[5]True Neutral (formerly)[6]Lawful Evil (formerly)[6][7] To help her escape, Caleb Polymorphed Beau into a wooly mammoth. [77] While Fjord and Avantika talked privately in her quarters, Caleb spied on their conversation through Frumpkin the tiny owl. Caleb dug a grave with his cat's paw, removed Molly's coat, and wrapped him in his tapestry. AdventurerProfessor of Transmutation at the Soltryce Academy Lvl 13 Passage to floors above the last of the bedchambers was sealed off, though Caleb later passed through when he was alone by muttering "gone but not forgotten" in Zemnian.
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