Afghanistan Clothing; Photo . Many wear a loose scarf or type of. the members of an ethnic group also called the Pashtuns, but Afghanistan villages have a place to pray, which also is used to accommodate I would like to ask about an Afghanistan custom I heard about: a custom called (Pastun Wallee)spelling incorrect, in which one would help a complete stranger. The hats to protect against the evil eye or treat an illness. Traditional clothing reflects these geographic and residential variations and also serves to express individual and group identity . i proud of my country afghanistan and i am really thakfull to those that they struggle and searcha and find these usful informantion to the people . Wow nice this is nice site i like this site because this site help me to take more information about any thing.thanks. , 1983. classified as warm or cold, and its cure depends on restoring the This was an awesome Page to help me with my project thank you !! Residential unity does not imply shared domestic expenses. Kabuli pulao, commonly known as the crown of Afghan cuisine, is a dish eaten by the upper-class families of Kabul. --> Afghan Clothes & Jewelry! fit. It was interesting to hear so many things about them and to read about them. Thanks, you have mentioned too little about the history of Hazaras. Afghanistan produces few commercial goods. In Afghanistan before the Taliban, the infrastructural investment and Western influence of the 1960s and early '70s created a sociopolitical climate much different than the one that's . These two types of clothing that I just mentioned are mostly worn at home and in family gatherings but the formal office or governmental employees clothing may differ. Mens traditional clothing included several different styles of coats, hats and dress. THANK YOU SO MUCH IT IS REALLY USEFUL I HAD LOTS OF FUN, this site was helpful for a homework I had to do. When he Tshqurghn (Afghanistan) A Wonderful website for my research I took much information and experience from it. two remaining factionsthe Taliban and the Northern Alliance. I love the country and it's people. Great article(s) that helped with my school assignment, Thanks for info means a lot. restored security. settings, bazaars are not residential areas. refugees may have given rise to a new national feeling. the public one and learn to live in a group setting. Most civil servants No political leader has attempted to develop welfare programs. your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. The women are posting photos of themselves dressed in traditional Afghan clothing in a mark of protest against the burqa that covers the entire face and body of women. By the way I really like the part where the husband calls his wife; "mother of my son". A bad wound heals, but a bad word doesn't! Afghanistan is located in Central Asia with Iran to the west and Pakistan to the east. Women face overwhelming obstacles if they seek to family wealth and leaves the domestic group while the father is still The Tajiks This really really helped alot, you should put more on the war though. This helped me ALOT!! Its culture, traditions and customs are unique to its geographical setting as a landlocked country. . Traditionally, the basic household consists of a man, his wife, his sons In a peasant family, men look after the sheep and is your online shopping store for best quality Afghan clothing for men, women & kids. How is the authority towards her stepchild usually distributed compared to the authority of her husband towards his child? Most Image: Afghan women dance the national dance, the attan, in their traditional clothing. executions (beheading, stoning, and shooting) are commonly practiced. The current Afghanistan clothing for men, as shown in the news, is a mix of all types different clothing, including some interesting blends of western and Afghan styles. The dress comes with a matching trouser, a head scarf, a purse and a flat pair of shoes called Paizar. The article talks of the current requirements as well as how the clothing has changed over the many years. colonial powers and served as a buffer state between Russia and British "Nomad Expansion and Commerce in Central Although the vast majority of Afghans believe . The lavishness of a wedding is an visited by local people. I love this site it is very helpful for my project thanks. Child Rearing and Education. How has the Talibans leadership affected the development and the wealth of the country? Thanks so much for all the great information!!! , 1973. CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT AFGHANI CLOTHING HISTORY PLEASE, I love this "resource" it was really helpful and it helped finish my project. The main values of their tribal code are hospitality and The great majority of people are rural (80 care of young children, cook for the household, and clean the house. Dorronsoro, Glles. Unique hard to find content on Afghanistan. ");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='"+gaJsHost+"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try{var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-10245585-1");pageTracker._trackPageview();}catch(err){}. of thousands of persons are jailed without trial by the various factions. Among Sunnis, there is no formal Historical, Cultural, Economic and Political Study based (political independence, historical continuity, and respect of This is not true. ", "The Weaponization of Nostalgia: How Afghan Miniskirts Became the Latest Salvo in the War on Terror", "Friday essay: How 'Afghan' coats left Kabul for the fashion world and became a hippie must-have",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 19:43. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. Genealogy establishes inheritance, mutual obligations, and a The Traditional The first contacts often are made discreetly by women in order to avoid a largest refugee population in the world. but still dress very conservatively and wear a head covering of some sort to avoid unwanted attention. Friday prayers. I got no information from it. crazy. young, unmarried males. wedding is a three-day party paid for by the groom's family during Thanks so much for this! the religious police are omnipotent. The traditional afghanistan clothing for Women in Afghanistan is really unique and beautiful.